Monday, August 24, 2009

Unit 2: Assignment 1

Five purposes of the Government is:

1-Where we can identify the structure and function of local, state, and federal governments under the framework of the Constitutions of Florida and the United States.

2-We understand the structure, functions, and primary responsibilities of executive, legislative, and judicial branches of governments and understands how all three branches of government promote the common good and protect individual rights.

3- We know the names of our representatives at the local, state, and national levels and the names of our representatives in the executive branches of government at the local, state, and national levels.

4-We kn0w possible consequences of the absence of government, rules, and laws.

5-We know the basic purposes of government in the United States and knows the basic things governments do in one,s school, community, state, and nation.

I would be willing to join a revoloution if our governement didnt have the requirements above because in order to have a government, you should all these things for the governemnt. So I feel if our government didnt have all these things, it wouldnt be important to me or anyone. I would join so I could help the government meet these requirements and become better.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Assignment 1: Should I Stay or Go

1. Freedom, religious and economic reasons encourage the immigrants to come to United States.
I would say they gain happiness and alot of more opportunities. They would gain good experiences also because they come somewhere new. When they come to a unfimilar place, they learn alot of new things. If they left because of a very bad cause, they will be happy with their new home.

2. If i was in the situation that some of them are in, I would choose freedom reasons. That would be my choice because freedom is a very important thing to me. I dont think I could handle not having my freedom. My freedom is more important to me than economic reasons because I would rather be free than poor.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009